Elevate your book


For a one-time payment, we will showcase your book by posting its details along with a professional review from one of our literary experts on our platform and Goodreads. Additionally, we will create your author profile in our Featured Author section and share your book’s trailer to maximize its reach.

Why choose to post your book with our review?

  1. Our experts and readers provide an unbiased, professional analysis of the book’s strengths and weaknesses.
  2. They evaluate writing style, narrative structure, character development, and thematic depth with a trained eye.
  3. Credibility Boost – Enhanced Reputation: A positive review on a reputable platform adds credibility and prestige to the book.
  4. Trust Among Readers: Potential readers are more likely to trust books endorsed by a literary professional.
  5. Marketing Advantage Promotional Tool: Expert reviews can be quoted on the book cover, in press releases, and marketing campaigns.
  6. Visibility: Our platform will enhance your book’s exposure and effectively target relevant audiences. Posting the same review on Goodreads will further boost credibility and significantly increase visibility.
  7. Constructive Feedback – Improvement Opportunities: Authors can use our feedback to refine their craft and improve future projects.
  8. Identifying Gaps: Expert reviews can point out areas that might not resonate with readers or need clarity.
  9. Industry Connections – Networking: Use our network to connect with other authors and experts. Checkout our Featured Author section.
  10. Endorsements: A good review might lead to further endorsements or collaborations.
  11. Reader Perspective – Understanding Target Audience: Our reviews help authors gauge how well the book aligns with its intended audience.
  12. Genre Standards: They ensure the book meets or exceeds the expectations of its genre.
  13. Long-Term Benefits – Legacy: A well-reviewed book on our platform will enjoy a longer shelf life and continue to attract readers over time.
  14. Recognition: Expert reviews can pave the way for awards, nominations, and literary honors.

By getting your book reviewed on our platform, you can enhance your professional growth, reputation, and reach in the competitive publishing industry.

Read details below carefully before proceeding.


  • Step 1 – Make the payment
  • Step 2 – Fill the form on our Author Launchpad page. Once the form is submitted (With payment ID), a follow up email, for required information, will be shared.
  • Please note that your book details along with reviews will be posted within 7 to 10 days after details are shared by the author as it takes time for our literary experts and readers to read and then write the review.
  • $65 (USD) one time payment is for one book with LitLinks review, author profile and one book trailer. The book cover page will be highlighted on our homepage under ‘In Focus’ section.
  • Reach out on litlinks@hsdascent.com for a special deal if you are looking to promote mutiple books