Book Feature Plan


For a one-time payment, we will promote your book by showcasing its details, featuring your author profile, and sharing your book’s trailer on our platform.

Why choose us?

  • Broad Reader Audience: Our platform attracts a large, engaged community of readers constantly on the lookout for their next great read.
  • Advanced, Dynamic Algorithm: Our continually evolving algorithm ensures your book stays at the top of search results, maximizing visibility.
  • Seamless Sales Process: We’ll direct potential buyers to your Amazon page, where they can easily make a purchase—no need to send us copies of your book.

Please review the details below carefully before proceeding.


The $35 (USD) one-time payment covers one book, your author profile, and one book trailer.


  • Your book details, along with the author profile, will be posted within 2 to 3 days after we receive all the required information.
  • Please note: This plan does not include a review by LitLinks.

Steps to Get Started:

  1. Make the Payment
  2. Complete the details in the email which will be sent out after the payment is processed.

Looking to promote multiple books? Contact us at for a special deal.